Dear Friends and Neighbors,
It is hard to believe, but we are over halfway done with the 60-day legislative session. In the last week, the House Appropriations Committee was filled with public hearings on bill-after-bill requesting more taxpayer money to expand government programs.
Watch my video update for some straight budget talk. Click the photo below:
I also had the opportunity to talk with KONA radio from the Tri-Cities on Thursday. I discussed a number of issues during the interview - some brief budget discussion, but clarification on some of the marijuana rules and regulations, the initiative process and minimum wage. Click "Condotta continues to caution restraint" to listen to the interview.
Please feel free to ask questions or share your comments and concerns about the issues I discuss in my video and radio interview.
Next week, we will give you a part 2 of the straight budget talk video or what I am calling it - "the theatre of the absurd."
Cary Condotta
12th Legislative District
Web site:
Olympia Office (January-April) 425B Legislative Building - P.O. Box 40600 Olympia, WA 98504-0600 (360) 786-7954 or Toll-free: (800) 562-6000 |
District Office (April-December) 3024 G.S. Center Rd. Suite "C" Wenatchee, WA 98801 (509) 664-1274 |